La lista más completa de grupos de surf de todo el mundo, más de 900 grupos de surf, Por favor, avisadme si me dejo alguno para incluirlo: Grupos de surf rock de Suecia, Bélgica, Reino Unido, Finlandia, Portugal, Rusia, México, Argentina, Australia, EE.UU., Canadá, Brasil, España, Francia, Italia, Alemania...
the Saboteurs, the Sabras, Safari Season, Safaris, the Saints, Samurai Surfer, the Sand Devils, the Sandals, the Sandblasters, Sanford and the Sandies, los Santísimos Snorkels, Santo contra las Momias, el Santo, Satan`s Pilgrims, the Satans, Satelliten, Saxons, the Scallywags, the Scarlets, Scratch Bongowax, the Sea Hunters,
Sea Shells, the Sea Turtles, the Sealions, the Seaside Shadows, Secret Samurai, the Sentinals, los Sfinters, the Shabblers, Shadoogie, the Shadows, Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet, the Shaking Silhouets, the Sharks, the Sharkskins, Shean and Jenkins, Shig n' Buzz, Shutdown Douglas, the Sidemen, the Sidewinders, the Silhouets, Silver Freaks, los Silver Surfer, the Silver Tonez, Silvertones, Sincron, Singing Guitars, Sir Bald Diddley and his Honorable Big Wigs, Sir Frog and the Toads, Skeewiff, the Skull Surfers, the Sky Devils, the Slacktone, Slava Kunst Orchestra, Snowmen, the Soul Kings, Sounds Incorporated, Southern Culture on the Skids, the Space Agency, the Space Cossacks, Space Party, the Space Rangers, the Space Walkers, Spaceguards, the Spacemen, the Sparks, the Spectacles, the Spectre, Speedball Jr. , SPF 4, Spies Who Surf, Splashback, the Spoilers, the Spooks, the
Spotnicks, the Squadron Leaders, Sr. Bikini, Sr. Misterio, the Star and the Key of the Indian Ocean, the Starfires, the Starlights, the Starliners, the Statesmen, les
Stèles, Stereophonic Space Sound Unlimited, Stiff Kittens, the Stingrays, the Stonefish, the Stonehedge Men, the Storms, los Straitjackets, Strangers, the Strato Coasters, Strato Geezer, the Stringmen, the Sultans of Surf, the Sunmakers, the
Sunrays, Sunsets, Super Stereo Surf, the Super Stocks, the Supersonicos, the Supertones, the Supertronics, the Surf Bunnies, the Surf Coasters, the Surf Kings, the Surf Lords, Surf me up, Scotty! , the Surf Piranhas, Surf Report, the Surf Trio, Surf Zombies, the Surfaces, Surfadelica, Surfaholics, the Surfaris, Surfdusters, the Surfers, the Surfin' Gods, Surfin' Gorillas, Surfin' Lungs, the Surfin'Dead, Surfing Parrots, the Surfites, Surfmen, the Surfmotherfuckers, the Surfrats, the Surfside IV, Da Surftones, the Surge, the Surphonics, les Suspenders, the Swallows, Swamis, Swamp Donkeys, the Swampcats, the Swiv-O-Matics
the Tabarnacos Surfers, Taifuns, the Taikonauts, Tajfuny, the TakeOffs, Takeshi Terauchi and The Bunnys, Tangation, the TarantinosNYC, the Tarantulas, Taymen, Tbirdz, Telekrimen, the Telstars, Terror Beach, Terror Waves, Terry and the Blue Jeans, Terumasa Hino and Terry and Blu, Theo Schumann Combo, Thom Starr and the Galaxies, Thrashwomen, the Three Funkys, the Thunder Heads, los Thunder Surfers, Thunderbirds, the Thunderbolts, the Thundermen, Thurston Howlers, the Thurston Lava Tube, Tiki Gods, the Tiki Men, los Tiki Phantoms, Tiki Tiki Bamboooos, the Tiki Tones, los Tikinautas, the Tom Cats, the Tommys, Toni OK, los Tormenta, the Tormentos, the Tornadoes, los Tornados, Torpedoes, los Torperros, the Torquays, Trade Winds, the Trashmen, Travelers of Tyme, the Treasures, the Treble Spankers, Tremolo Beer Gut, the Tremolos, Trocadero Sextett, the Truants, Tsunami, Thee Tumbitas, Tumbleweeds, los Twang Marvels, los Twangers, los Twangs, Twin Tones, the Typhoons
the Unclaimed, Untamed Youth, Urban Surf Kings
the Valiants, the Vampire Beach Babes, Vampires, Van Slyke, the Vanduras, Vegas Beach, the Velmars, the Velvetones, Venice Beach Muscle Club, the Venturas, the
Ventures, the Verbtones, the Vestels, los Vibradores, the Vibrants, the Vibrasonics, los Vibratonics, Vibro Counts, Vice Barons, the Vice Royals, the Vickings, Viernes de Hongos, Vigilantes, Vince and the Waikiki Rumblers, Vintage, Violentures, the Vivisectors, Voladora, the Volcanos, the Von Drats, the Von Hodads, Voodoo Band, Voodoo Court, Vy-Dels, the Vydels
Wadadli Riders, Waikiki Makaki, the Waikiki Rumblers, the Wailers, Waistcoats, Waka Jawaka, the Wangs, Wavves, the Webasto, the Webs, the Wet-Tones, the Wetsuits, Whirled Peas, the Wild Bunch, Wild Pink Horse, the Woggles, the Woodies, Wormkids
Yeah Yeah! , Young Jacques, the Youngers, Yuya Uchida
the Z Rays, los Zexo-tikoz, the Zip Codes, the Zombie Band, Zombies a Go Go
jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010
La Lista más Completa de grupos de Surf Rock Instrumentales III
La lista más completa de grupos de surf de todo el mundo, más de 900 grupos de surf, Por favor, avisadme si me dejo alguno para incluirlo: Grupos de surf rock de Suecia, Bélgica, Reino Unido, Finlandia, Portugal, Rusia, México, Argentina, Australia, EE.UU., Canadá, Brasil, España, Francia, Italia, Alemania...
Laika and the Cosmonauts, Lamajamal, the Lancasters, the Langhorns, Laramie Dean, the Launchers, Lava Rats, the Legendary Invisible Men, Lenny and the Thundertones, Les Brown Jr. , Les Green, Link Wray, Link Wray and his Ray Men, the Lively Ones, Lombego Surfers, the Lone Surfers, the Lone Surfersss, Lonely Knights, Longboard Ranch, Longboards, Lonnie Mclaughlin and the Premiers, Looney Tunes, Lord Dent and His Invaders, Lord Douglas Byron, Lord Hunt and His Missing Finks, Los 4 Tikis, Los Astros !! , Lost Acapulco, Lucky Shoes, Lunar Tikis, Lunatics, Lunatones
M'lumbo, the Madeira, the Magic Strangers, Magic Twangers, los Magnificos, the Majestic Kelp, Mal and the Longboarders, Malibú Piña, los Malignos, Man or Astroman, los Mantarraya, Mar-kets, Maraca Five, Maremotos, the Marketts, Marksmen, Marlow Stewart and the Illusions, Mars Need Women, Martin Cilia, the Meadowhawks, Mefisto, Meltone, Mercury Four, Mermen, Meshugga Beach Party, Messer Chups, Metalunas, Metrolites, Midnight Oil, the Midnight Ramblers, Mill Valley Taters, the Millionaires, Miss Murgatroid, Mister Neutron, the Mobsmen, Mocha Band, the Mockers, Moe Greene Specials, Moment of Truth, the Mono-Tones, Monomen, Monsters From Mars, Monstros do Ula Ula, the Montesas, Moon-Rays, the Moontrekkers, Mortum Surfers, the Morzels, los Muertos Vivientes, Mullet Monster Mafia, the Mustangs, the Mysterons
Navahodads, the Navegants, the Nebulas, Neil Norman, the Nematoads, the Neptunas, the Neptunes, Nervous Wrecks, New Dimensions, the New Savages, Nicotyna, Night Surf, the Nobles, the Nocturnes, the NovaRays, the Novas, the Nukes
the Octomen, Of Course, the Olympics, Omega Men, Orchester Charles Blackwell, the Orientals, the Original Checkmates, Original Surfaris, the Outlaws
the Packabeats, the Packards, Pagents, Palmerita Surf, Papa John, Papaya Kings, Partia, the Party Strings, Pastel Six, Pata de Elefante, los Pataconas, el Patapsco, los Patatas Bravas, the Patents, Paul Johnson, os Pazuzus, los Pegajosos, Pekka Tilikainen and the Beatmakers, los Peligrosos, the Penetrators, los Perversos Cetaceos, Peter Jay and the Jaywalkers, Phantom Creeps, Phantom Frank, Phantom Rockers, the Phantom Surfers, Phantoms, Pharos, Phil Emmanuel, Phono-Comb, los Pijama, Pipeline'61, los Pirata, Plan 9, Planet Seven, Plank, los Plantronics, Pointbreak Spy, Pollo del Mar, Popdefect, the Porkers, Proa, los Protones,
PV and the Heartbeats, the Pyramids, the Pyronauts
the Quads, los Quien Sigue?, Quinta Galaxia
Radio Palmera, the Raiders, Rake and the Surftones, Ralph Rebel, the Ramblers, Rami Hammar and the Riders, Ramonetures, the Rangers, the Raouls, the Rapiers, Rarity Strings, Rat Holic, Ray Daytona and Googoobombos, el Ray, Ray McVay Sound, the Raybeats, the Razorblades, Reach Around Rodeo Clowns, the Ready Men, the Red Angels, the Red Elvises, the Rediners, the Regents, the Renegaides, Retrofoguetes, Retroliners, the Reveliers, the Revels, the Reventlos, Reverb Central, Reverb Galaxy, the Reverb Syndicate, Reverb Vendetta, Reverberators, Reverend Organdrum, Rhythm Boys, Rhythm Rockers, the Rhythm Strings, the Ric-A-Shays, the Ricco-Shays, Richie Allen, Rick Veneer, the Ringos, the Riptides, the Riviaires, the Rivieras, the
Road Runners, the Robots, the Rockets Band, the Rockets, the Rockin' Rebels, the Rocking Birds, Roger LaVern and the Microns, Roller, the Romantics, Ron-De-Voo's , the Rondels, Ronnie Dawson, Ronny and the Daytonas, Ronny Westro, Rotations, the Roulettes, Route 66 Killers, the Rowdies, Royal Nightmares, the Royal Pendletons, Rubens and the Barrichellos, Rumblefish, the Rumblers
Laika and the Cosmonauts, Lamajamal, the Lancasters, the Langhorns, Laramie Dean, the Launchers, Lava Rats, the Legendary Invisible Men, Lenny and the Thundertones, Les Brown Jr. , Les Green, Link Wray, Link Wray and his Ray Men, the Lively Ones, Lombego Surfers, the Lone Surfers, the Lone Surfersss, Lonely Knights, Longboard Ranch, Longboards, Lonnie Mclaughlin and the Premiers, Looney Tunes, Lord Dent and His Invaders, Lord Douglas Byron, Lord Hunt and His Missing Finks, Los 4 Tikis, Los Astros !! , Lost Acapulco, Lucky Shoes, Lunar Tikis, Lunatics, Lunatones
M'lumbo, the Madeira, the Magic Strangers, Magic Twangers, los Magnificos, the Majestic Kelp, Mal and the Longboarders, Malibú Piña, los Malignos, Man or Astroman, los Mantarraya, Mar-kets, Maraca Five, Maremotos, the Marketts, Marksmen, Marlow Stewart and the Illusions, Mars Need Women, Martin Cilia, the Meadowhawks, Mefisto, Meltone, Mercury Four, Mermen, Meshugga Beach Party, Messer Chups, Metalunas, Metrolites, Midnight Oil, the Midnight Ramblers, Mill Valley Taters, the Millionaires, Miss Murgatroid, Mister Neutron, the Mobsmen, Mocha Band, the Mockers, Moe Greene Specials, Moment of Truth, the Mono-Tones, Monomen, Monsters From Mars, Monstros do Ula Ula, the Montesas, Moon-Rays, the Moontrekkers, Mortum Surfers, the Morzels, los Muertos Vivientes, Mullet Monster Mafia, the Mustangs, the Mysterons
Navahodads, the Navegants, the Nebulas, Neil Norman, the Nematoads, the Neptunas, the Neptunes, Nervous Wrecks, New Dimensions, the New Savages, Nicotyna, Night Surf, the Nobles, the Nocturnes, the NovaRays, the Novas, the Nukes
the Octomen, Of Course, the Olympics, Omega Men, Orchester Charles Blackwell, the Orientals, the Original Checkmates, Original Surfaris, the Outlaws
the Packabeats, the Packards, Pagents, Palmerita Surf, Papa John, Papaya Kings, Partia, the Party Strings, Pastel Six, Pata de Elefante, los Pataconas, el Patapsco, los Patatas Bravas, the Patents, Paul Johnson, os Pazuzus, los Pegajosos, Pekka Tilikainen and the Beatmakers, los Peligrosos, the Penetrators, los Perversos Cetaceos, Peter Jay and the Jaywalkers, Phantom Creeps, Phantom Frank, Phantom Rockers, the Phantom Surfers, Phantoms, Pharos, Phil Emmanuel, Phono-Comb, los Pijama, Pipeline'61, los Pirata, Plan 9, Planet Seven, Plank, los Plantronics, Pointbreak Spy, Pollo del Mar, Popdefect, the Porkers, Proa, los Protones,
PV and the Heartbeats, the Pyramids, the Pyronauts
the Quads, los Quien Sigue?, Quinta Galaxia
Radio Palmera, the Raiders, Rake and the Surftones, Ralph Rebel, the Ramblers, Rami Hammar and the Riders, Ramonetures, the Rangers, the Raouls, the Rapiers, Rarity Strings, Rat Holic, Ray Daytona and Googoobombos, el Ray, Ray McVay Sound, the Raybeats, the Razorblades, Reach Around Rodeo Clowns, the Ready Men, the Red Angels, the Red Elvises, the Rediners, the Regents, the Renegaides, Retrofoguetes, Retroliners, the Reveliers, the Revels, the Reventlos, Reverb Central, Reverb Galaxy, the Reverb Syndicate, Reverb Vendetta, Reverberators, Reverend Organdrum, Rhythm Boys, Rhythm Rockers, the Rhythm Strings, the Ric-A-Shays, the Ricco-Shays, Richie Allen, Rick Veneer, the Ringos, the Riptides, the Riviaires, the Rivieras, the
Road Runners, the Robots, the Rockets Band, the Rockets, the Rockin' Rebels, the Rocking Birds, Roger LaVern and the Microns, Roller, the Romantics, Ron-De-Voo's , the Rondels, Ronnie Dawson, Ronny and the Daytonas, Ronny Westro, Rotations, the Roulettes, Route 66 Killers, the Rowdies, Royal Nightmares, the Royal Pendletons, Rubens and the Barrichellos, Rumblefish, the Rumblers
surf rock
La Lista más Completa de grupos de Surf Rock Instrumentales II
La lista más completa de grupos de surf de todo el mundo, más de 1000 grupos de surf, Por favor, avisadme si me dejo alguno para incluirlo: Grupos de surf rock de Suecia, Bélgica, Reino Unido, Finlandia, Portugal, Rusia, México, Argentina, Australia, EE.UU., Canadá, Brasil, España, Francia, Italia, Alemania...
the East and West Rockers, the East Coast Tremors, Eastern Aces, Echos, Eddie and the Showmen, Eddie Angel, Eddie Day, Eden Ahbez, los Elasticos, the El Caminos, the Eldorados, the Elektro Strings, Elektron, the Eliminators, Elvis Can't Surf, the Embers, the Emotionals, the Emporers, the Eradicators, Erik Von Zipper, Espectroplasma, Esquizitos, Estrume'n'tal, the Evening Shadows, the Exotics, the Explosion Rockets
the Fabulous Breaker Boys, Fabulous Mach Kung Fu, Fabulous Nomads, the Fabulous Playboys, the Fabulous Stingrays, the Falcons, Family Dollar Pharaohs, the Fantastic Baggys, Fantastic 3, los Fantasticos, the Faraons, the Fashions, the Fathoms, the Fellows, Fender IV, Fenómeno Fuzz, Fez, Fibreglass Rocket, the Fiddlercrabs, Fiend without a Face, the Fiends, Fifty Foot Combo, Finnbeat, the Fireballs, Fit Fat, Five, the Five Outsiders, the Flames, the Flaps, Flash Cadillac and the Continental Kids, the Flee-Rekkers, the Flowmasters, the Flying Bordelos, Footstep Surf Music Band, the Footstompin Trio, Forbidden Dimension, Four Piece Suit, Frank Simata, Franke Echo Quintett, Frankie and the Pool Boys, Frantics, Freebeach, the Frogmen, Fuad and the Fezztones, the Futuras, Fuzzycats
the Galaxy Trio, the Gamblers, Garage Guitars, Gary and the Paxton, Gary Lewis and the Playboys, Gary Hoey, Gary Paxton, Gary Usher, the Gasolines, Gein and the Graverobbers, Gene and the Esquires, Gene Moles, Gene Sikora, the Gestics, the Ghastly Ones, Ghostman and Sandman, the Ghostriders, the Ghouls, Giant Leeches, Gidget and the Moondoggies, Gisha Brothers, Glamour Puss, Glasgow Tiki Shakers, Golden Zombies, the Goldfingers, the Goldtones, los Gordos, Gore-Gons, el Gran Quelonio, the Grand Prix, the Greaseballs, the Greasy Hawaiians, Green Cookie, Greenwich Alley, the Gremmies, GT Stringer, Guano Padano, the Guitar Ramblers, Gulag Tunes
Half and Half, HalfAstronauts, the Halibuts, Happy Times, Hawaii Samurai, the Hawaiian Astro Boys, the Heatscores, the Hekawis, Hellbenders, Hell-O-Tiki, Hermanos Calavera, Hi-Fly Orchestra, the Hi-Tides, Hillbilly Soul Surfers, the Hodaddys, Hola Ghost, Hollywood Assassins, the Hollywood Tornadoes, the Hollywoods, the Honeys, the Honkeys, the Hornets, Hot Rod Rog, the Howlin' Thurstons, Huevos Rancheros, Hula Hoop, the Hurricans, the Hustlers, the Human Tornados, Huntington Bitches, the Huntington Cads, Husky and the Sandmen, the Hydrotones, Hypnotic IV, the Hypnotwists
los Ídolos del Ring, the Illuminoids, the Illuminators, the Ilusions, the Impacts, the Impala, the Imperial Surfers, In the West, Inaina Tikis, the Incredible Sucking Spongies, the Infoiatis, the Infrareds, los Infraseres, Inlaketch Surf, the Insanitizers, the Insect Surfers, Interkosmos, the Interceptors, the Intoxicators, Intrepides, los Invasores, Invisible Surfers, the Irradiates, Irreversible Slacks, the Irridescents, the Isotopes, Ivan Grosni
Jack Demare, Jack Nitzsche, Jackie and the Cedrics, the Jades, les Jaguars, Thee Jaguar Sharks, Jaguar and the Savanas, the Jalopy Five, James Wilsey, Jan and Dean, Jardin de Mari, the Javalins, los Javelin, Jerry Cole, Jerry Swallow, Jetpack,los Jets, the Jim Lindseys, Jim Messina and the Jesters, Jim Waller and the Deltas, Jimmy Takeuchi and the Exciters, John Buzon Trio, John Fortune, Johnny and the Hurricanes, Johnny O'Keefe and the Dee Jays, Johnny Vegas goes west, Johnny Vortex, Jon and the Nightriders, Jonnie Dog and The Dingos, Jonny and the Shamen, Juan De Fuca, Judy Russell, the Jumpers, the Jumping Strings, the Jumpng Five, June Suckerfish Spawn
K. Duba and Guitarmen, Kaapo and Zetor, los Kabanos, Kaguama Surf, los Kahunas, Kahuna Kawentzmann, Kaiser Bill's Batmen, Kamer Surfers, Kan Dells, the Kanaloas, the Kangaroos, los Kanibales Surf Kombo, Karel and His Guitar Men, Kaukomaa, KB and the Riptides, Kelp, Kelly and the Beach Combers, Ken Sasaki and The Tiki Boys, Kenny and the Ho-Daddies, Kenny and the Sultans, Kilaan Brothers, the Kilauas, Kilaueas, Kill Baby Kill, Killer Bananaz, Killer Filler! , Killers From Space, Killer Wail, Kim Humphreys, King Charles’ Head, the King Drapes, the King Kongs, King of Hawaii, the Kings of Mahaka, Klaus Lenz Sextett, the Knights, Knuckel Drager, el Koctel Margarita, the Kongsmen, the Kon Tikis, Korsakov Cowboys, Korsuorkesteri, Kozmic Gorillas, die Kosmonauten, Kravats, the Krektones, the Kremlin, Krontjong Devils, Kugiran D’Tepi Pantai
the East and West Rockers, the East Coast Tremors, Eastern Aces, Echos, Eddie and the Showmen, Eddie Angel, Eddie Day, Eden Ahbez, los Elasticos, the El Caminos, the Eldorados, the Elektro Strings, Elektron, the Eliminators, Elvis Can't Surf, the Embers, the Emotionals, the Emporers, the Eradicators, Erik Von Zipper, Espectroplasma, Esquizitos, Estrume'n'tal, the Evening Shadows, the Exotics, the Explosion Rockets
the Fabulous Breaker Boys, Fabulous Mach Kung Fu, Fabulous Nomads, the Fabulous Playboys, the Fabulous Stingrays, the Falcons, Family Dollar Pharaohs, the Fantastic Baggys, Fantastic 3, los Fantasticos, the Faraons, the Fashions, the Fathoms, the Fellows, Fender IV, Fenómeno Fuzz, Fez, Fibreglass Rocket, the Fiddlercrabs, Fiend without a Face, the Fiends, Fifty Foot Combo, Finnbeat, the Fireballs, Fit Fat, Five, the Five Outsiders, the Flames, the Flaps, Flash Cadillac and the Continental Kids, the Flee-Rekkers, the Flowmasters, the Flying Bordelos, Footstep Surf Music Band, the Footstompin Trio, Forbidden Dimension, Four Piece Suit, Frank Simata, Franke Echo Quintett, Frankie and the Pool Boys, Frantics, Freebeach, the Frogmen, Fuad and the Fezztones, the Futuras, Fuzzycats
the Galaxy Trio, the Gamblers, Garage Guitars, Gary and the Paxton, Gary Lewis and the Playboys, Gary Hoey, Gary Paxton, Gary Usher, the Gasolines, Gein and the Graverobbers, Gene and the Esquires, Gene Moles, Gene Sikora, the Gestics, the Ghastly Ones, Ghostman and Sandman, the Ghostriders, the Ghouls, Giant Leeches, Gidget and the Moondoggies, Gisha Brothers, Glamour Puss, Glasgow Tiki Shakers, Golden Zombies, the Goldfingers, the Goldtones, los Gordos, Gore-Gons, el Gran Quelonio, the Grand Prix, the Greaseballs, the Greasy Hawaiians, Green Cookie, Greenwich Alley, the Gremmies, GT Stringer, Guano Padano, the Guitar Ramblers, Gulag Tunes
Half and Half, HalfAstronauts, the Halibuts, Happy Times, Hawaii Samurai, the Hawaiian Astro Boys, the Heatscores, the Hekawis, Hellbenders, Hell-O-Tiki, Hermanos Calavera, Hi-Fly Orchestra, the Hi-Tides, Hillbilly Soul Surfers, the Hodaddys, Hola Ghost, Hollywood Assassins, the Hollywood Tornadoes, the Hollywoods, the Honeys, the Honkeys, the Hornets, Hot Rod Rog, the Howlin' Thurstons, Huevos Rancheros, Hula Hoop, the Hurricans, the Hustlers, the Human Tornados, Huntington Bitches, the Huntington Cads, Husky and the Sandmen, the Hydrotones, Hypnotic IV, the Hypnotwists
los Ídolos del Ring, the Illuminoids, the Illuminators, the Ilusions, the Impacts, the Impala, the Imperial Surfers, In the West, Inaina Tikis, the Incredible Sucking Spongies, the Infoiatis, the Infrareds, los Infraseres, Inlaketch Surf, the Insanitizers, the Insect Surfers, Interkosmos, the Interceptors, the Intoxicators, Intrepides, los Invasores, Invisible Surfers, the Irradiates, Irreversible Slacks, the Irridescents, the Isotopes, Ivan Grosni
Jack Demare, Jack Nitzsche, Jackie and the Cedrics, the Jades, les Jaguars, Thee Jaguar Sharks, Jaguar and the Savanas, the Jalopy Five, James Wilsey, Jan and Dean, Jardin de Mari, the Javalins, los Javelin, Jerry Cole, Jerry Swallow, Jetpack,los Jets, the Jim Lindseys, Jim Messina and the Jesters, Jim Waller and the Deltas, Jimmy Takeuchi and the Exciters, John Buzon Trio, John Fortune, Johnny and the Hurricanes, Johnny O'Keefe and the Dee Jays, Johnny Vegas goes west, Johnny Vortex, Jon and the Nightriders, Jonnie Dog and The Dingos, Jonny and the Shamen, Juan De Fuca, Judy Russell, the Jumpers, the Jumping Strings, the Jumpng Five, June Suckerfish Spawn
K. Duba and Guitarmen, Kaapo and Zetor, los Kabanos, Kaguama Surf, los Kahunas, Kahuna Kawentzmann, Kaiser Bill's Batmen, Kamer Surfers, Kan Dells, the Kanaloas, the Kangaroos, los Kanibales Surf Kombo, Karel and His Guitar Men, Kaukomaa, KB and the Riptides, Kelp, Kelly and the Beach Combers, Ken Sasaki and The Tiki Boys, Kenny and the Ho-Daddies, Kenny and the Sultans, Kilaan Brothers, the Kilauas, Kilaueas, Kill Baby Kill, Killer Bananaz, Killer Filler! , Killers From Space, Killer Wail, Kim Humphreys, King Charles’ Head, the King Drapes, the King Kongs, King of Hawaii, the Kings of Mahaka, Klaus Lenz Sextett, the Knights, Knuckel Drager, el Koctel Margarita, the Kongsmen, the Kon Tikis, Korsakov Cowboys, Korsuorkesteri, Kozmic Gorillas, die Kosmonauten, Kravats, the Krektones, the Kremlin, Krontjong Devils, Kugiran D’Tepi Pantai
surf rock
La Lista más Completa de grupos de Surf Rock Instrumentales I
La lista más completa de grupos de surf de todo el mundo, más de 1000 grupos de surf, Por favor, avisadme si me dejo alguno para incluirlo: Grupos de surf rock de Suecia, Bélgica, Reino Unido, Finlandia, Portugal, Rusia, México, Argentina, Australia, EE.UU., Canadá, Brasil, España, Francia, Italia, Alemania...
13 Ghosts, 13 Tikis, 3 Balls of Fire, 3-D Invisibles, the 5,6,7,8's , 9th Wave, 63 Burnout
A-Phonics, Abisal, the Abstinence, Acapulco Riders Band, Achtung Rakete, the Acoustic Surf Tones, Action Heroes, Adam Carl Stephens, Adventure, the Adventures, Adrian and The Sunsets, los Aforisimos, After One, Agent Orange, les Aiglons, Aki Aleong and the Nobles, the Akulas, Al Caiola, Al Casey, the Alarm, Alejandro’s Awesome Surf Band, Alex Keack, the Alohas, Aloha Screwdriver, Alotropica Central, Alwaro Negro, the Ambassadors, Ambervisions, America del Surf, the Amino Acids, the AmpFibians, the Anacondas, Angelo Santoro, Thee Andrews Surfers, Angus Young, Antenna Tres, les Apaches, Ape, the Apehangers, the Apemen, Apolo 13, the Aqua Velvets, Aquabats, Aqualads, the Aquamarines, the Aquamen, the Aquasonics, the Aquatones, the Aquatudes, Araban, the Archers, Arno de Cea, les Arondes, the Arondies, the Arousers, Arrows, Astro Squad, the Astroglides, the Astronauts, the Atlantics, Atlantis, Atomic 7, Atomic Mosquitos, the Atomic Regulators, Austin Transit Autority, Autoramas, Ava Kant, the Avalanch, the Avantis, Ay Mama la Momia, Azcatl Surf Service
B Brock and the Vibratos, B-Sea Surfers, los Baby Dolls, the Bahareebas, Bahía 23, Balandra Beach, the Balboas, the Bambi Molesters, Barbara Adkins, the Barbarellatones, the Barbwires, Bat Bomb, the Batesville Ghouls, the Beach Boys, Beachkrieg, Beach Coma, the Beach Nuts, the Beasts, the Beat Tornados, the Beatnuts, the Bel-Aires, the Beloved Invaders, Ben Rogers Instrumental Asylum, Ben' Vaughn, the Benders, Bérénice, Bernard Yin and David Arnson, Berzerkers, los Bidets, the Bigfoot Rocketship, Big Guitars From Texas, Big Lazy, Big Mascara, Big Ray and the Futuras, Big Surf, Bikini Beach Band, the Bikini Bombers, the Bikini Men, Billy Blast off and the Surf Rockets, the Billy D. Light Trio, Birke Maier Trio, Bitch Boys, Black 'N' Whites, the Black Albino's, the Black Bandits, the Black Labels, the Blazers, Blazing Surfboards, the Bleach Boys, Blonker, the Blue Comets, the Blue Denims, Blue Explosion, the Blue Hawaiians, los Blue Marinos, Blue Moon Rockers, the Blue Stars, the Blue Stingrays, Blue Wave Theory, the Boardwalkers, Bob Hafner, Bob Ridgley, Bob Vaught and the Renegaids, Bobby Fuller and the Fanatics, Bobby Fuller Four, the Bomboras, the Bone Sharks, Bongo King, Bongo Surf, the Bonzos, Boomerangs, Boozin' Bunch, Born Losers, Boss Martians, Botica Xochimilco, Boys, Bradipos IV, the Brainwashers, Brazil 2001, the Break, Breakaways, the Breakers, Brent J. Cooper, Brian Hoeflich and the All-Nighters, Brian Wilson and Andy Paley, Bruce and Terry, Bruce Mathiske, the Buckrabbits, the Bullets, Bucky and the Dales, Buddy Dughi, Búfalos D'agua, the Burnin' Sands, Burt Blanca, Burt Rocket Surf, the Busters
Caçadores De Emoção, Cadillac Hitmen, California Guitar Trio, Call Me Pepe, the Calrizians, Calvin Cool and The Surf, Knobs, Camillo, Capitao Parafina e Os Haoles, Capras, Captain Bigwheel, el Capitan and thee Scallywags, Captain Creeplie, the Captivations, Car Noise, the Car Thieves, Carnival of Souls, the Catafalque, the Catalinas, the Catrines, les Cavaliers, Cave 4, the Cavernarios, the Centuries, the Centurions, the Centurys, Chachitasurf, the Challengers, the Champs, the Chandelles, the Chantays, the Charades, the Charles Blackwell Orchestra, Charlie Gracie, Chávez Special, les Chefs, Chelita Surf, Cherokees, Chessmen, the Chesterfield Kings, Chevell`s, Chewbacca, Chief Firewater Surf Band, los Chinos Surfers, Chris and Kathy, Chris Brian Gussa, the Chris Shahin Band, Chris Williams and the Monsters, CHUM, the Civil Surfers, the Civil Tones, the Clams, C.N.i. Cow, Cochabambas, the Cocktail Preachers, Cocktail Twist, the Coffin Daggers, Coffin Wheels, Colonel Klink, the Concaves, the Concussions, Constellations, the Copper Tones, Coronados, los Coronas, the Cosmic Vampires, Cosmonauti, the Cosmogringos, Cougars, Cowabunga Go-go, the Cozmos, los Crakennn, Crashmatics, the Crashmen, the Crazy Tones, the Creations, the Creepers, the Creepniks, the Creepy Creeps, the Crimson Ghosts, Cromosoma 3, Crossfire, Crowsong, the Cruel Sea, the Crusaders, the Crustaceans, Culebra, the Customs, Cutback Surf Band, the Cyclin' Cowboy Surfers
Daikaiju, Danny Twang, Danny Morris Band, Dan Fitzgerald and the Unknown Comets, Dan Rumour Band, the Darts, Dave and the Customs, Dave Kinzie, Dave Myers and the Surftones, the Dave Myers Effect, Dave Wronski, David Marks and the Marksmen, Davie Allan, Davie Allan and the Arrows, Dawn Patrol, Day Dream, Daytonas, the De-Fenders, the Dead Rocks, the Deadbeats, Deadbolt, Deadcats, the Deadlies, the Dead Ranch Hands, Dead Surfers, Deathpod, Death Valley, DeepSea, the Defenders, the Defusers, Dejan, Deke Dickerson, Del Mars, the Delreys, Del Noah and the Mt. Ararat Finks, the Del Sonics, the Del-Vamps, the Del-Vettes, los Delgadillo, Deniz Tek, Denvermen, the Deoras, los Derrumbes, Desert Eagle 65, the Desperates, los Destilados, Destination: Earth, the Detonators, the Deuce Coupes, Di Dollari, les Diaboliques, the Diamondheads, the Diantres, Dick Dale, Dick Dale and the Del-Tones, Dicke Harrell, the Dillingers, Dirk Doom and the Overdrive Orchestra, the Dirt Surfers, Dirty Surf, the Disasters, the Dispicables, the Distortion Surf, Divetones, Dixie Aces, Django Twango, DM3, Docteur Legume et les Surfwerks, Doctor Scalpel and the Incisions, Dogs Surfers, Don and the Galaxies, Don't Fear the Reverb, DP, les Dorians, Double Naught Spy Car, Dr. Explosion, Dr. Frankenstein, Dr. Surf, Dragstrip, Drifting Sand, Duane Eddy, Duba, the Dubceks, the Dunlop Devils, Dunny Iida and Paradise King, the Duo-Tones, Dusk, the Dynamic Subarashii, the Dynotones
13 Ghosts, 13 Tikis, 3 Balls of Fire, 3-D Invisibles, the 5,6,7,8's , 9th Wave, 63 Burnout
A-Phonics, Abisal, the Abstinence, Acapulco Riders Band, Achtung Rakete, the Acoustic Surf Tones, Action Heroes, Adam Carl Stephens, Adventure, the Adventures, Adrian and The Sunsets, los Aforisimos, After One, Agent Orange, les Aiglons, Aki Aleong and the Nobles, the Akulas, Al Caiola, Al Casey, the Alarm, Alejandro’s Awesome Surf Band, Alex Keack, the Alohas, Aloha Screwdriver, Alotropica Central, Alwaro Negro, the Ambassadors, Ambervisions, America del Surf, the Amino Acids, the AmpFibians, the Anacondas, Angelo Santoro, Thee Andrews Surfers, Angus Young, Antenna Tres, les Apaches, Ape, the Apehangers, the Apemen, Apolo 13, the Aqua Velvets, Aquabats, Aqualads, the Aquamarines, the Aquamen, the Aquasonics, the Aquatones, the Aquatudes, Araban, the Archers, Arno de Cea, les Arondes, the Arondies, the Arousers, Arrows, Astro Squad, the Astroglides, the Astronauts, the Atlantics, Atlantis, Atomic 7, Atomic Mosquitos, the Atomic Regulators, Austin Transit Autority, Autoramas, Ava Kant, the Avalanch, the Avantis, Ay Mama la Momia, Azcatl Surf Service
B Brock and the Vibratos, B-Sea Surfers, los Baby Dolls, the Bahareebas, Bahía 23, Balandra Beach, the Balboas, the Bambi Molesters, Barbara Adkins, the Barbarellatones, the Barbwires, Bat Bomb, the Batesville Ghouls, the Beach Boys, Beachkrieg, Beach Coma, the Beach Nuts, the Beasts, the Beat Tornados, the Beatnuts, the Bel-Aires, the Beloved Invaders, Ben Rogers Instrumental Asylum, Ben' Vaughn, the Benders, Bérénice, Bernard Yin and David Arnson, Berzerkers, los Bidets, the Bigfoot Rocketship, Big Guitars From Texas, Big Lazy, Big Mascara, Big Ray and the Futuras, Big Surf, Bikini Beach Band, the Bikini Bombers, the Bikini Men, Billy Blast off and the Surf Rockets, the Billy D. Light Trio, Birke Maier Trio, Bitch Boys, Black 'N' Whites, the Black Albino's, the Black Bandits, the Black Labels, the Blazers, Blazing Surfboards, the Bleach Boys, Blonker, the Blue Comets, the Blue Denims, Blue Explosion, the Blue Hawaiians, los Blue Marinos, Blue Moon Rockers, the Blue Stars, the Blue Stingrays, Blue Wave Theory, the Boardwalkers, Bob Hafner, Bob Ridgley, Bob Vaught and the Renegaids, Bobby Fuller and the Fanatics, Bobby Fuller Four, the Bomboras, the Bone Sharks, Bongo King, Bongo Surf, the Bonzos, Boomerangs, Boozin' Bunch, Born Losers, Boss Martians, Botica Xochimilco, Boys, Bradipos IV, the Brainwashers, Brazil 2001, the Break, Breakaways, the Breakers, Brent J. Cooper, Brian Hoeflich and the All-Nighters, Brian Wilson and Andy Paley, Bruce and Terry, Bruce Mathiske, the Buckrabbits, the Bullets, Bucky and the Dales, Buddy Dughi, Búfalos D'agua, the Burnin' Sands, Burt Blanca, Burt Rocket Surf, the Busters
Caçadores De Emoção, Cadillac Hitmen, California Guitar Trio, Call Me Pepe, the Calrizians, Calvin Cool and The Surf, Knobs, Camillo, Capitao Parafina e Os Haoles, Capras, Captain Bigwheel, el Capitan and thee Scallywags, Captain Creeplie, the Captivations, Car Noise, the Car Thieves, Carnival of Souls, the Catafalque, the Catalinas, the Catrines, les Cavaliers, Cave 4, the Cavernarios, the Centuries, the Centurions, the Centurys, Chachitasurf, the Challengers, the Champs, the Chandelles, the Chantays, the Charades, the Charles Blackwell Orchestra, Charlie Gracie, Chávez Special, les Chefs, Chelita Surf, Cherokees, Chessmen, the Chesterfield Kings, Chevell`s, Chewbacca, Chief Firewater Surf Band, los Chinos Surfers, Chris and Kathy, Chris Brian Gussa, the Chris Shahin Band, Chris Williams and the Monsters, CHUM, the Civil Surfers, the Civil Tones, the Clams, C.N.i. Cow, Cochabambas, the Cocktail Preachers, Cocktail Twist, the Coffin Daggers, Coffin Wheels, Colonel Klink, the Concaves, the Concussions, Constellations, the Copper Tones, Coronados, los Coronas, the Cosmic Vampires, Cosmonauti, the Cosmogringos, Cougars, Cowabunga Go-go, the Cozmos, los Crakennn, Crashmatics, the Crashmen, the Crazy Tones, the Creations, the Creepers, the Creepniks, the Creepy Creeps, the Crimson Ghosts, Cromosoma 3, Crossfire, Crowsong, the Cruel Sea, the Crusaders, the Crustaceans, Culebra, the Customs, Cutback Surf Band, the Cyclin' Cowboy Surfers
Daikaiju, Danny Twang, Danny Morris Band, Dan Fitzgerald and the Unknown Comets, Dan Rumour Band, the Darts, Dave and the Customs, Dave Kinzie, Dave Myers and the Surftones, the Dave Myers Effect, Dave Wronski, David Marks and the Marksmen, Davie Allan, Davie Allan and the Arrows, Dawn Patrol, Day Dream, Daytonas, the De-Fenders, the Dead Rocks, the Deadbeats, Deadbolt, Deadcats, the Deadlies, the Dead Ranch Hands, Dead Surfers, Deathpod, Death Valley, DeepSea, the Defenders, the Defusers, Dejan, Deke Dickerson, Del Mars, the Delreys, Del Noah and the Mt. Ararat Finks, the Del Sonics, the Del-Vamps, the Del-Vettes, los Delgadillo, Deniz Tek, Denvermen, the Deoras, los Derrumbes, Desert Eagle 65, the Desperates, los Destilados, Destination: Earth, the Detonators, the Deuce Coupes, Di Dollari, les Diaboliques, the Diamondheads, the Diantres, Dick Dale, Dick Dale and the Del-Tones, Dicke Harrell, the Dillingers, Dirk Doom and the Overdrive Orchestra, the Dirt Surfers, Dirty Surf, the Disasters, the Dispicables, the Distortion Surf, Divetones, Dixie Aces, Django Twango, DM3, Docteur Legume et les Surfwerks, Doctor Scalpel and the Incisions, Dogs Surfers, Don and the Galaxies, Don't Fear the Reverb, DP, les Dorians, Double Naught Spy Car, Dr. Explosion, Dr. Frankenstein, Dr. Surf, Dragstrip, Drifting Sand, Duane Eddy, Duba, the Dubceks, the Dunlop Devils, Dunny Iida and Paradise King, the Duo-Tones, Dusk, the Dynamic Subarashii, the Dynotones
surf rock
martes, 12 de octubre de 2010
Surforama 2010 Madrid

El Surforama 2010 llega a Madrid. Será el sábado 23 de octubre en Gruta 77, con fiesta en Irish Rover. Entradas: anticipada 15 EUR, en taquilla 18 EUR.
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